Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wait...WHAT did you just say?

I never thought I would hear words like "terrific, fantastic, and great" so soon in regards to Thomas's progress....but that is what the CT surgeon said this morning! I almost cried I was so happy!

Thomas had a good night. Several prayers have been answered and we are so grateful!
-He has not had any episodes of SVT in over 24hours!
-He is waking up more, opening his eyes, chewing on his tube, and moving his arms and legs :)
-He is weaning off of the Epi and maintaining his blood pressure
-His ventilator settings have come down
-He is on Fentanyl now and the Precedex has been stopped
-He is exceeding everyone's expectations so far.....that was one of our specific prayers....not that he would just do "ok"

There are still a few issues that need prayers:
1) His kidney function- urine output is good, but has room for improvement. Also, the lab values used to measure kidney function are too high....hopefully they will improve!
2) His white blood cell count and CRP were very elevated this morning compared to yesterday. This could be just inflammation from steroids and major surgery, but it could be a sign of a brewing infection...which could be devastating. Please pray that he will remain free from any infections!
3) Pray that he will continue to diurese so the swelling will go down enough for his chest to be closed in the next few days

This whole pregnancy and experience with Thomas has changed our perspective forever! We are learning to see everything with new eyes, and are so grateful for the little things and baby steps along the way. We are so humbled by the many prayers and blessings we have received so far....God is so good.

This is a really pretty version of the doxology.....and the video is thought provoking....enjoy


  1. Wonderful news! I think my coworkers now wonder why I keep boohooing at my desk but it's each time I read a posting like this! I just knew this morning he would have his eyes open and be showing everyone how it's done!
    Lauren Thomas (Abigail & Harley's mom)

  2. Great new Dr.Behm! I just want you to know that we pray for baby Thomas multiple times a day and will never stop. God is watching over your little boy and I have faith that you all will be home enjoying your new family life before you know it.

    Paige and David Corsetti (Zachary Corsetti's parents)

  3. Thomas is THE Little Man!!!! Great job baby boy! Now you just keep your little kidneys working good & STAY clear of all germs. You made mommy & daddy so happy today just by waking up & moving around. You are the proof that size doesn't matter!!! just the strength you have & Gods strength to help you & Lots of people praying for you all the time. What a lucky little man you are.
    Love & prayers~~~~The Boone Family

  4. I am truly blessed by your posts. I can see the Lord in you all and it is bee-u-ti-ful! Will continue to pray for your sweet little family. Amazing how those going through trials encourage those who aren't. That't the power of the Lord.

  5. Fantastic news!He's an overachiever like his parents ;)

    Lots of love and prayers!

  6. Such wonderful news!! Continued prayers for you all - especially baby Thomas!!
    Grayson and Corbin's parents and grandparents

  7. Praising God for your little over -achiever! Go Thomas!! Love to hear these updates. Praying for your requests and more.

  8. Love the updates and anxiously await them all day. Praise the Lord for the wonderful progress and we will continue to pray for what you have specifically listed. Love to the Behm family!! Ginna

  9. We Sheils are thinking of you constantly, wishing you the absolute best for little Thomas, and peace of mind for yourselves. He is absolutely precious, and lucky to have a mom who is so skilled at helping to heal little children!

  10. I love to see our God move quickly when needs are urgent. Praises have been sent to God for all the great news you described about Thomas's progress. The Harden family in Savannah will continue to pray for Thomas's issues he faces today. I know it will be a Thanksgiving like none other tomorrow as you sit by your precious son's bedside and thank God for giving him to you and your husband. Thank you so much for the updates. Love, The Harden Family (Michelle, Casey, Luke, Stella Grace, and Gabriella)

  11. Amazing! I am thrilled that little Thomas is an his Mommy! We are so excited to hear on your updates how God is caring for you all. Love you all dearly and know that we are sending lots of prayers your way.

  12. I'm smiling reading this! I am so thankful for Thomas' progress! He is such a tough boy! I am praying for kidney output and no infection!!
    Corrie Gee

  13. How great is our God! (No question mark here)
    Thank you for the update. My prayers continue for Thomas, you,and his medical team. There are so many praying for Thomas. I just received an fb post from a young woman in France that was going to light a candle at her church on her way to work for little Thomas. His life has already touched so many. Looking forward to the next update!

    Cynthia (Cindy) Howard

  14. I'm thrilled to hear the news! Love and prayers to you all!

  15. Melissa, Don't know if you remember me. I'm Tracy Hays. I was a RN on 6E @ GMH during your residency. Heard about Thomas from Emily DiGiuseppe from a Facebook post. Caught up on the blog today. Been praying most of today for your precious son and you & TJ & since Monday before I knew who you were. Your faith is amazing & God will continue to sustain you. Will get the word out to my prayer warriors. One minute at a time. Our God is big enough..... Big hug :)

  16. Our prayers are being said many times a day. If thoughts count as prayers, then you are and your precious Thomas are being covered! Thank you for blogging and keeping us all so well informed. Love, Marie Davis

  17. Hi Melissa -I can't begin to tell you how much I have been moved by your courage and your faith each day as I keep up with the updates on your precious little boy.
    You and your family are very special people and both my husband and I feel so glad that we met you on the cruise in July, and are honoured that we are able to share your baby's progess with you.
    It is so obvious that your family is loved by many and I just wanted you to know that We are sending our love to you all the way from Scotland and pray that God will continue to care for your baby boy as only he can.

    May God bless you all.

    Pat and Billy Veitch

  18. I am so proud of your boy...I can only imagine how you feel! Here's to continued improvement!


  19. What wonderful news! Yeay for Thomas, he is such a strong little fighter. Hope your next report is even better!
    Many thoughts and prayers,
    Christian, Kristy, and Cole Valdez

  20. We are so happy for the good news for baby Thomas. We will continue our many thoughts and prayers for all of you. May God continue his blessings and may Thomas continue to fight and get these good reports!
    Heather, Nick, Luke, Sophia and Landon Lambros

  21. Awesome Awesome news! praise the Lord for these wonderfully answered prayers! They are continuing!!

  22. He sounds like such a little trooper!! Praising! Big hugs Behm family.
    Erin Cantrell (Mason's momma)
